Astigmatism is a focusing disorder caused by changes in the corneal or lens surface, resulting in blurred and distorted images. Astigmatism most often occurs along with one of the refractive errors - myopia or hyperopia.
You can find more information about this condition here
Contrary to popular belief, astigmatism is an easy-to-correct defect, and the key to that is relaxation. Astigmatism is also a very good example of how easily eye training deals with this type of defect. There have been cases when small astigmatism defects (~1 diopter) were corrected in one day using the exercises below. For larger defects, several weeks of training were usually sufficient to heal. This is a significant achievement compared to, for example, the treatment of myopia. It seems highly probable that the cause of this defect is tension in the eye's rectus muscles. That is why the following exercises are mainly aimed at improving the condition of the rectus muscles, their relaxation, and reducing tension. Try to return to the "astigmatic mirror" from time to time to check your progress in the exercises. We hope that eventually, you will reach the moment when all lines are equally straight and black.
This exercise is intended for gently relaxing the rectus muscles of the eye and should be performed before more strenuous exercises (like the Tibetan wheel). Its purpose is to relax the muscles, so if you experience severe pain during its execution, take a break for a short palming and do not perform more strenuous exercises.
This is the most important exercise in the treatment of astigmatism, causing significant relaxation and simultaneous strengthening of the muscles responsible for this defect.
For visualization exercises in astigmatism, the following exercise is worth performing:
This exercise is best performed during palming exercises or right after "Exercise A3 - Visualisation of a Ball". It is especially helpful for those with significant astigmatism, as it helps restore the natural spherical shape of the lens.